Saturday, February 28, 2009

Goth Beauty Pageant February 2009

Numbers: Underwordl
2009 Goth Beauty Pageant
February 14th, 2009
The Goth Beauty Pageant took place October 14 at Numbers. The event drew a great assortment of characters. Though the number of female contestants this year seemed very small, about 8 women.

This years winners of Mr. and Mrs. Spooky was Phobia and Cyd Vicious. Phobia looked shockingly hansom with his heart protruding from his chest.
The Goth Beauty Pageant was mixed bag. The crowd was great, lot of flamboyant characters. The men competing were fierce and put on a great show.

The eight ladies competing for Ms. Spooky were rather lackluster. A far cry from the outrageous outfits I was expecting. One comment from the crowd refering to this contestant in green yelled out, "That girl isn't goth, thats just stripper." Then her fellow contestant to her right was in black, but very simple, not much of an effort. I may not be any kind of goth expert but I alway imagine a powerful presence and serious attention to detail from hair to accessories, boots, and a certian sence that she might kill you if you look at her cross. Please submit your comments on what you think is goth.
Phobia: this years Mr. Spooky 2009 did not disappoint.
This year’s winner for the night was our favorite freak: Phobia, the always glamorous, sometime DJ, and overall fashion God. He we see him on the right with Calla Doll, one of this years judges.

Ms. Spooky was taken by Cyd Vicious. I’m not sure she spells her name in some special unique way, but I didn’t like that she appropriated another artist’s name. I was disappointed in the lack of entries for Ms. Spooky, and perplexed by the lack of glamour, effort, or theatricality in the ladies entering the pageant.

I saw much more elaborate goth beauties at most underworld events. I’d heard this year would be stiff competition, and had heard of several girls who were coming out with very elaborate outfits. Cyd’s dress was beautifully crafted but I felt a lack of accessorizing and her make up seemed very minimal. Many of the contestants, boys and girls just didn’t come across as goth at all. It seemed that the really powerful goth women decided not to
enter this year.

Phobia was by no mean a disappointment, he definitely out shined his competition and the girls.

There were some tense moments when the final judging was going on. Down to the last three contestants for the men, and the crowd was cheering for their favorites. When they asked if you wanted Phobia to win I screamed and jumped up and down. Phobia was wearing platform boots, fishnet stockings, a black corset (clothing mostly by DareWare I think), bloody heart emerging from his chest, spiky hair, and splendid make up by Rabidgirlscout, one of the best photograhpers on the scene (seen here with Domina Shanon).
This was a fantablulous event. Not to be missed next February. Mark your calendars and make plans to attend (assuming the apocalypse arrive before 2012).

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