Saturday, November 29, 2008

Working on these paintings

The idea that artists shouldn't write art criticism is retarded. It’s up there with the idea that we don’t want professional politicians, but idiots we can better relate to. The entry is a kind full disclosure of my bias. This is to show you, my few readers how I approach art. The following is a running list of ideas I’ve been working on in my own paintings, from the last several years.

Luminous Visions Scrawled across the inside of my forehead
Indra’s Net
250million years ago Permian Extinction
Campsites are notorious for no phone
Make room for the new
I hate the way people revere New York as if it were the only place to live or expericnce life, as if the rest of the country didn’t count
Elsewhere with Strangers
Art is also its own Reason
13 Points of Communication
Mirror Neurons-Empathy
Built in Obsolescence
Golden Ratio Mandala
Fishing in the Unconscious
Galactic Suburbs
Ragged Cascade of Synapses’
Sheaf of Bliss/Sheaf of Wisdom
Wisdom Body
TaskForce 626
Animal Track >>>Symbolic Language
50,000 man tracked animals
Imaginary time vs. Real time
Safe Deposit Box of Darkness
Wall of Weariness
Burning Bush
La Novia de Matisse, Manuel Vincent
2000 Generation
Importance of Myths
Simulacra & Artifice
10 people populated the Americas
Pattern of mini ice ages, 1500 years
Laws of Thermodynamics
Myth of My People; Spanish, Portuguese, Mexican, French, Apache, Human
Pride Fear Temptation Ignorance Desire
Where is the place to be now?
800,000 Million Heartbeats
Worlds Drowning in Sand
Documentaries about fighting nature
Holding Pattern
Sexual Compulsion
Program Error
Time dilation
Stone Tools, stone circles
Useless objects that create useful relationships
Symbolic Imagination
Stone Age Internet
Homo sapiens exchange ideas
20,000 years ago the clans of Neanderthals held out in Spain
Modern Humans defined by art
Galactic Pucker in a void
Species leaving the spinning particle
Smaller plate is the answer
Dimple in Space
Cosmic Spasm
Neutron Star
Frame Independent Laws
Frame Independent Properties
Frame Dependent Matrix of Luminous Message
Evidence X X X
Unwillingness to Remember
What is a matrix?
Beautiful Dreamer
Chaotic Space
Trimetric Fracture
Spooky action at a distance
Uncertainty Principle
Storlinger’s Cat
What is a spire?
How to engage the Processing
Power of the Brain or of the Planet
Adaptability is Paramount Personal Propaganda
Waiting at the window of ever was.
Tending the light at the End of the Tunnel
Fullest possible use as a human
Slit scans
Create Six in-submersibles, chunks
God Perspective
Dust Devil, Cyclone, Tornadoes
Parallel Possessing
$200,000.00 a year makes the girls wet corporate slave and passive aggressive politics
Master cylinder
Shearing Away
Arc Trajectory
United States as a metaphor for Heaven, as the city of spires
Painting without Optical Aids
Painting with Optical distortion
Art world politics
Color field for the people.
How to generate revenues
Goal is more canvas and studio space, not money.
Speciation: Mammals, Reptiles, Birds, Insects, Fish
Mass of Lobsters ¥
Countries that sanction Torture: USA, China, Egypt
Army Men
Uranium Tipped Ordinance
Soft Wall
28 256 Set If Off
Personal Pantone
Right Handedness
Remember, you have chosen to perceive this universe, if you find you don’t like it, change your mind.
Look up the family line
What Happened to the great Herds
Hubble Telescope
Postcards out of my mind.
Black Hole Painting
III Big Ass Series, 2’x3’ 20 canvas per series, 60 plus total
The Means and The Ends
Spiraling Staircase
Turn Studio Into Dexter’s Laboratory
Fortune Cookie Pages
OpArt: You Are Here.
The Interzones
Take that manacle off your wrist.
Make more pieces for you.
Make the paintings that you want.
Pyramid Fields of Nubia
xTheta Writing"!?*)(.”
Blowjob Paintings
Banned Books
Jung’s Sea
Aurora Borealis
Norway Sun spiral
Twisting Pillars
Anvil Cloud
Crepuscular rays or Jacob’s Ladder
New Babylon
Walled City
Ten lost tribes of Israel
What is Babylon?
It may be more a state of mind than a geographic place or maybe a very old archetype***
Work out a system.
What is cyberpunk?
Hacking the Establishment
What is Hacking?
Getting at the power that be
The computer allows the individual to reach back into the world and monkey around
Conservation Laws Constrain Interaction
The Laws of Physics Are Universal
The Laws of Physics Are Frame-Independent
Electric and Magnetic Fields Are Unified
Particles Behave Like Wave
Some Processes are Irreversible
Six of эφŧ▼♥
Relax, relish the cherry of Life
What is Russet? Brown
Frame Dependent Matrix of Luminous Messages!
Water Wars
Great Lake Authority
Local Militia
Severe Oil Shortages
Campact Broken
Aggro Energy
Water Shortages near salted shores
Water Provinces
Rebell separatist Insurgents Militia terrorists Activists,
Homicidal ideation
IED’s RPGs Words we need to add to dictionary

1 comment:

grystar said...

Hey Richard,
I like your Blog..Say it how it is.
We met at Art Crawl. You came into my studio space. We chatted briefly, and you took a few photos.
Can't wait to hear what you have to say about the crawl, and about my paintings in particularly.